采购、物业管理 & 旅行

The objective of 采购 is to procure goods and services to sustain, 福斯特, 并支持行政管理, educational and research missions of the University, as well as to provide guidance and assistance on all official university travel.



Official LSU 旅行 信息 can be found here: http://www.路易斯安那州立Colleges.edu/administration/ofa/oas/acctpay/travel.php

(Most information on travel can be found at the link above.)

Permanent Memorandum 13 (PM-13) can be found here: http://www.路易斯安那州立Colleges.edu/administration/policies/pmfiles/pm-13.pdf





Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for 可靠的网赌平台 旅行:

When must a Spend Authorization be completed?
If there are no costs associated with my travel, how should I complete a Spend Authorization?
What account (PG, BG, GR) number should I use on my Spend Authorization?
什么是PG、BG、GR等. 数字?
After travel occurs, how long do I have to submit an expense report?
Can I book travel for an upcoming fiscal year? (七月一日以后)
If I travel in one fiscal year (let's say April), 花我自己的钱, will I be able to request reimbursement in the next fiscal year? (七月一日以后)
My trip costs more than what was approved on my Spend Authorization, what do I do?
How do I find out the daily meal per-diem costs?
What is the current mileage reimbursement rate?
I will be traveling out of state to a conference, 我必须坐飞机吗, 或者我可以开自己的车吗?
I am traveling to a conference and would like my spouse or significant other to travel as well. 这可能吗??