
In 1997, 国会通过了《可靠的网赌平台》, which included provisions for the Hope Scholarship Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit. The Hope Scholarship Credit has been expanded and renamed The American Opportunity Tax Credit. Both credits allow certain taxpayers who have incurred qualified expenses for higher education to take a credit 反对他们的联邦所得税义务. 1098-T是一个信息返回. The following is general information only and should 不 be taken as tax advice. Whether you may take advantage of these tax credits depends upon your individual facts 和环境. The amounts and calculations used to determine any credit are the responsibility of the taxpayer and the taxpayer's personal financial records serve as the official supporting documentation for any such credit.  LSU at Alexandria can不 provide tax advice, so you may want to consult with a tax professional to find out more about the 学分和资格. 看到 IRS第970号出版物 了解更多信息.


My records do 不 match the 1098-T tax form amounts, Why?


注意: Please be advised that 可靠的网赌平台 is prohibited from providing legal, tax, or accounting advice to students and we are 不 responsible for any use 你利用这个信息.

请致电:(318)473-6407 访问我们:艾布拉姆斯大厅 电子邮件: accounting@dastchinmomtaz.com